Mental health initiative – counselling and café
In October 2016 B+S Soziale Dienste FHH GmbH & Co. KG started in cooperation with seven other providers of social service to start a so called “Counselling and café” in the community center of the Ev. Luth. Church in Hamburg-Mümmelmannsberg .
This idea became alive since there has been no offer for people that are e.g.
This idea became alive since there has been no offer for people that are e.g.
- Psychologically unstable
- Caught in depression for some time,
- Affected by an eating disorder,
- Not able to get out of a debt trap without assistance,
- Feeling overburdened with getting in contact with offices and authorities,
- Forfeit by a collector’s passion,
- Not able to process incoming mail,
- Have a problematic family environment,
- Not having a secured income (for example when getting ALG II continuously )
and can not find a way out of their current predicament alone.

The support café is a meeting point for people that feel overwhelmed by their current situation and are ready to accept support. Therefore the café is an analogy to our social support that can be found in our open meeting place of the outpatient social psychiatry.
It is open once a week every Thursday from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Coffee and cookies can be enjoyed while having the opportunity to get unconventional and confidential advice. This could start by writing a letter together and could end with a conversation that takes up the general situation of that person.
Every week there will be two social welfare agencies running the café and being available fort he people there.
If the need of a visitor turns out to be higher and therefore a longer dedicated service is needed the visitor can be connected to one of the social welfare agencies.