B+S Address

Integration assistance

Itinerantly social psychiatry
In accordance with §§ 53/ 54 SGB XII
The itinerantly social psychiatry is made for people who are threatened to psychological diseases.
The goal of our support is the participation in the life of society. The main focus is to get in contact with the neighborhood and a social network. We want to enable and support social contacts in a social area.
leistung stephanie gunkel
Stephanie Gunkel, Pedagogical management integration assistance
Personalized services for people with psychological diseases/ mental disabilities
In accordance with §§ 53/ 54 SGB XII
This is a support as itinerantly service that provides a participation in the life of society. It should help the people with psychological diseases/ mental disabilities to get an independent life in their own home. Through stabilization and support we help to recover der confidence with dealing with the disease/ disability as well as the social environment.

Pedagogical support in your own home
In accordance with §§ 53/ 54 SGB XII
Through pedagogical orientated itinerantly service, we support people with disabilities to create the preconditions to deal with an own home and independent life. The main focus is helping people to help themselves.